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Ready for next level e-commerce?

Nothing can stop you now, because creating online stores is no longer rocket science. With Shopando, your business can finally take off super easily and incredibly quickly!

Get started right away
Ready for next level e-commerce?

Nothing can stop you now, because creating online stores is no longer rocket science. With Shopando, your business can finally take off super easily and incredibly quickly!

Get started right away


You no longer need 20 plugins, a lawyer or a reliable technician to run a store. Our cloud store system takes a huge amount of work and worry off your hands. With Shopando, your online business can take off and grow immediately. Everything your store needs is directly integrated and smartly networked.

Smart and safe. Technically and legally.

Cookie box and legal texts? We've got it covered - no effort for you. GDPR, accessibility? All solved automatically.

Shopando barrier-free
Astronaut with the EU flag in the background

Completely free. No maintenance required.

No plugin incompatibility, no complex maintenance, no security gaps due to old software.

Shopando functions

Simply get started and scale infinitely.

All important marketing and SEO tools already integrated. Scale infinitely with the cloud, full customizability.

Shopando Marketing
Rocket launch with lots of smoke and steam

Your store.
Your style.
You can design everything according to your ideas.

Unlike classic templates, our free store templates are completely customizable and adaptable. And all this in the visual editor, without any coding. Agencies can therefore start with a ready-to-use store template with just one click of the mouse and customize and expand it as they wish.

Screenshot of product detail view from the "Delicatessen" template
Screenshot of the category gallery from the "Golden Moments" template
Screenshot of the product gallery from the "The Great Sound Shop" template
Screenshot product gallery from the template "Sir Frederick"
Screenshot category homepage from the template "Golden Moments"
Screenshot product list from the template "The Great Sound Shop"
Screenshot of products from the "Sir Frederick" template
Screenshot detail view of a product from the template "Delicatessen"
Screenshot banner group from the template "We love Pets"
Screenshot team from the template "Apotheke24"
Screenshot home page header from the "We love Pets" template
Screenshot banner from the template "Quiet Living"
Screenshot product view from the template "Sir Frederick"
Screenshot team page from the "Apotheke24" template
Screenshot home page from the "We love Pets" template
Screenshot banner group from the template "Quiet Living"
Screenshot product detail view from the template "Sir Frederick""
Screenshot of various banners from the "We love Pets" template
Screenshot voucher system from the "We love Pets" template
Screenshot of products from the "Golden Moments" template
Screenshot drop-down menu from the "Delicatessen" template
Screenshot of sales banner from the "Delicatessen" template
Screenshot banner from the "Fortis" template
Screenshot shopping cart popup from the template "The Great Sound Shop"
Screenshot of the product gallery from "The Great Sound Shop" template
Screenshot of the sales banner from the "Fortis" template
Screenshot product list from the "Delicatessen" template
Screenshot banner from the template "Fashionyst"
Screenshot Masonry from the template "Fashionyst"
Screenshot product detail from the template "Golden Moments"
Screenshot banner group from the "Quiet Luxury" template
Screenshot banner from the "Sir Frederick" template
Screenshot masonry of the template "Delicatessen"
Screenshot shopping cart popup of the "Quiet Luxury" template
Screenshot start page of the template "The Great Sound Shop"
Screenshot form of the template "Quiet Luxury"
Especially for resellers:

Put together your own packages!

As a Shopando partner, you can set up stores with access to all functions free of charge for 6 months, put together store packages individually for your customers, freely design sales prices and also set sales commissions. This means that you always have full control over the functions, costs and revenue of each individual store, with the basic store system already offering a very wide range of services for just € 20 per month. As a registered Shopando partner, you will receive all detailed information directly in the system.

Start free of charge
Show transcription

Das Video ist eine kurze Erklärung des Aufbaus von Shopando unterstützt mit Screenshots und Webcast-Videos:

Herzlich willkommen bei Shopando! 

Mit Shopando sind Shops keine Raketenwissenschaft mehr.

Jetzt kannst du dein Business endlich super-einfach, ohne Plugins und ohne technisches oder rechtliches Spezialwissen zum Fliegen bringen. In nur wenigen Sekunden steht dir dein neuer Shop mit allen Funktionen out-of-the-box zur Verfügung. Absolut nichts hält dich mehr auf!

Ärger mit Installationen, Updates und Wartung war gestern. Komm endlich mit in die Zukunft. Mit Shopando musst du weder Plugins noch Server installieren, alles geht auf Knopfdruck und ist perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt. B2B-Tools, Produktkonfigurator, Mehrsprachigkeit, Formulare, Blogs ... Alles steht dir gemeinsam mit Anbindungen für Versand, Zahlung und Vermarktung sofort zur Verfügung.

Dabei hilft dir unsere Shopando KI beim Texten und Übersetzen und pusht deinen Verkaufserfolg voll-automatisiert mit SEO und Chatbots, natürlich immer up-to-date bei User Expierience und Rechtskonformität. Das war bisher mit Plugin- und Open Source Systemen praktisch unmöglich! Deshalb ist Shopando auch als erstes Shopsystem weltweit für Barrierefreiheit zertifiziert (WCAG 2.2 - AA). So halten wir dir von Anfang an den Rücken frei.

Und wenn du dennoch Fragen und Wünsche offen hast, ist unser Support-Team immer für dich da.

Worauf wartest du noch?
Probier's einfach kostenlos aus.
Jetzt einsteigen und durchstarten.

Sleep peacefully

An all-in-one solution instead of a plugin nightmare.

Anyone who has had experience with open source and third-party plugins knows the problems: Expenditure on updates, maintenance and compatibility issues often make stores and websites unpredictable. And you can't rule out the possibility of your customer data being sent around the globe - GDPR, FAGG, ECG, accessibility & Co. send their regards! With a secure all-in-one solution, Shopando only offers functions that are developed and maintained systematically.

You always have full control over the running and data security of all Shopando functions:

Products & Categories

There is no limit to the number of your products and product categories.

Shipping conditions

Create different options and calculations for your shipping options limited to your destination countries or even postal codes.


It is possible to set up automatic data transfer to an external system. You can transfer over 90 different events.

SEO functions

Shopando offers all options such as meta texts, tags, slugs and headline definitions for optimizing and controlling your Google rankings. In combination with Page Speed Boost, your store pulls out all the stops for modern search engine optimization.